How to Make Money with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

 In Building Successful Partner Channels, Business Model Management, Featured, Industry News

Microsoft CRMWim Geukens is responsible for RealDolmen’s international distribution channel for IP based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM & Intelligent Customer Engagement. He is also completing his MBA at the Vlerick Business School in Brussels and in his thesis he has set out to check if and when selling IP on top of Microsoft Dynamics CRM as an ISV or VAR in general can be made into a profitable business.

That’s a highly relevant question.

As major elements of the business models (and their environments) for software distribution are changing (cloud delivery formats, SLAs, slimmer margins, increased competition, globalisation, better educated customers etc.) ISVs and VARs will also have to revisit their business models to check where the value-add and profit should come from in the future.

Although these questions are relevant to the entire software industry across all domains, Wim has decided to focus his research on the situation in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM business.

Questionmark PortraitIf you are active in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM business, then you can contribute to Wim’s research by filling in this survey: Go to survey. (The collector data that makes you personally identifiable, won’t be included in the survey results, but will be used to generate the statistics that will help you to check out what position you have in the market.)

From the pool of respondents Wim will draw 20 people that will receive a free copy of my book Building Successful Partner Channels. All respondents can sign up for the the final report, which I believe will be of major value to anyone operating in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM business.

Link to survey:

Deadline for filling in the survey is August 31st 2016.


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