International Inbound Lead Generation

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The 10-step process for becoming a thought leader within your subject matter domain and how to use this position to drive quality traffic from all over the world to your web site.

This e-book is about the top of funnel lead generation for B2B software with long sales cycles when you do not have a big budget.

It explains how you can design, implement, and operate an organic thought leadership program that enables potential customers to find and engage with you.

The program will also help you move traffic through the funnel, but the prime objective of this e-book is to explain how it can generate awareness and interest at the top.


International Inbound Lead Generation


If you do not fill the funnel at the top, then nothing comes out at the bottom.

That is stating the obvious, but it does explain why so many B2B software companies have a hard time delivering on their budgets not to speak about fulfilling their potential and ambitions.

How do you generate an increasing number of leads when you do not have access to a big budget? And how do you generate leads from foreign markets? Leads that can become customers and then make the basis for setting up permanent international operations.

These are the key questions when your product has international potential, the possible customers are unaware of your existence, and they don’t buy your type of product very often.

The core of the challenge is that you must develop awareness and build relationships and trust before they will consider you a viable vendor. As the buyer’s journey may take years, you must be patient and economise your funds.

This e-book will give you the recipe for how you can organise and execute a lead generation program that doesn’t require a big budget.