You may argue that Everdingen and Waarts’ study is outdated, relates to ERP only and cannot be extrapolated to other innovations and markets. That may well be, but that does not mean that [...]
The annual report from TBK Consult showing the relative demand for information technology in each of the 229 countries in the world confirms that China now has overtaken the US as the largest [...]
We have published our annual report that presents an estimation of the relative demand capacity for B2B information technology and related services worldwide. This estimation is called “The [...]
The USA is still the biggest market for information technology, but that will change within the next five years. China will overtake the USA as the world’s biggest market for almost [...]
The annual report from TBK Consult showing the relative demand for information technology in each of the 229 countries in the world confirms the steady shift from Europe and the Americas towards [...]
As information technology companies prepare for global growth the first question to answer is “how?” We discuss these issues in the first three whitepapers in the series named “Entering a Foreign [...]
Reading time: 2 minutes The BECH Index reflects the relative share of global demand for information technology related products and services of each country in the world. Thus, with global demand [...]
In 2001 the British economist Jim O’Neil coined the term BRIC[1]. In an attempt to predict which countries in the world would be the growth drivers for the coming decades; the countries Brazil, [...]