Carlsberg Chooses New Mobile Business Intelligence Solution from Kapacity

Carlsberg Chooses New Mobile Business Intelligence Solution from Kapacity

 In Industry News

Carlsberg GroupCarlsberg (Copenhagen, Denmark) have chosen the innovative solution Datazen as their new mobile business intelligence platform. With this solution delivered by Kapacity, Carlsberg can provide sales staff with important insight while travelling all over the world and at the same time the solution collects valuable input from the large number of sales staff.

Carslberg has recently teamed up with Kapacity, who is to deliver a new mobile business intelligence solution based on software from Datazen and Microsoft. The solution will be used by the brewery’s sales staff, who will have easy and intuitive access to data and reports on clients while on the go.

The solution also works while the sales staff are offline1.

Anders Sulbæk, Director, Solution Delivery at Carlsberg, says: “When our sales staff are out there working, it is of vital importance that they have access to updated information about their clients. Very often, they don’t have internet access, and this is why it’s very important to us that the solution works offline as well as online”.

The solution works with the iOS, Android and Windows Phone systems, providing huge flexibility in terms of choosing mobile units in the future1.

100 Carlsberg employees in Sweden will be the first to use the new solution.  Already during the first year, up to 1,600 employees will be using the solution, and the final number of users may well exceed 3,000, making Carlsberg’s solution one of the biggest Datazen customers in the world. Carlsberg’s platform is the first Datazen installation in Denmark.


Søren Toft Joensen

Kapacity’s Sales Director, Søren Toft Joensen, says: ”The Carlsberg account is incredibly exciting for us, and I am convinced that it can help open doors to other clients with a similar organisation. Mobile business intelligence is becoming increasingly important, and we have evaluated the market thoroughly before choosing Datazen. Carlsberg is an important part of Danish culture and history as well as a very well oiled machine. We are proud that they have chosen us as their mobile business intelligence partner”.

For more information, please contact

Salgsdirektør Søren Toft Joensen,, +45 2630 9001.

About Kapacity

Kapacity was founded in 2008 by five ambitious partners, all setting out to deliver world class Data Warehouse and Business Analytics solutions. Today, Kapacity employees 30 people in offices in Copenhagen, Kolding and Aalborg, and the company is one of the leading in its field, delivering quality solutions based on software from Microsoft, TARGIT and IBM Cognos. Kapacity’s clients include Gjensidige Forsikring, Magasin and Dagrofa as well as many others.

About Datazen

Canadian company Datazen Software Inc. was founded in 2002, developing tools and technology for user interfaces and data visualisation. More than 10 years of experience in the field culminated in 2013 when the “next-gen” mobile solution Datazen was launched. Since the beginning of Datazen Software, more than 10,000 users have used the company’s tools. With the launch of new solution Datazen, Datazen Software continues to expand their global client base, ranging from small and medium sized companies to Fortune 500 organisations. Datazen Software Inc. is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

To find out more, please visit

Source: Kapacity



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