The good, the bad and the ugly side of Facebook
This is a report that describes how Facebook affects the mobile industry strategically, operationally and financially.
Strand Consult has met with many mobile operators that use Facebook in many different ways. Most operators use Facebook to be able to have a two-way communication with their customers, as an extended arm to their customer service, as a media channel and to market and sell various products. Because Facebook is becoming so integrated in many mobile operators’ business, a very important question arises; How will Facebook influence the mobile industry strategically, operationally and financially?
Strand Consult is well-known for voicing our opinion – even when our opinion goes against the flow. In our 2009 report “The moment of truth, a portrait of the iPhone – Is there an effect from a mobile operator’s point of view and can shareholders measure the value of the iPhone effect?” we documented how the iPhone was having a negative influence on a number of mobile operators’ earnings.
With our new report “The good, the bad and the ugly side of Facebook – A report that describes how Facebook affects the mobile industry strategically, operationally and financially,” we have published yet another unique report to add to our history of comprehensive reports where we closely examine and describe the challenges that the mobile industry faces when customers start using new platforms and technologies.
Mobile operators cannot avoid Facebook. With the current popularity Facebook has acquired it is becoming increasingly important for mobile operators and other market players in the mobile industry to evaluate how Facebook is influencing their business. Is Facebook only good news, or does Facebook also have a bad and an ugly side?
In this new report we have examined and analysed Facebook from eight important angles:
1. How will Facebook influence the voice traffic market?
2. How will Facebook influence the SMS traffic market?
3. Will Facebook have any influence on the MMS market?
4. How will Facebook influence the mobile data market?
5. How will Facebook influence the mobile phone market?
6. Is Facebook influencing operators marketing and communications strategy?
7. Is Facebook a sales channel, or can it develop into a new sales channel?
8. Is Facebook suitable to handle cost effective customer care?
Our new report “The good, the bad and the ugly side of Facebook – A report that describes how Facebook affects the mobile industry strategically, operationally and financially” describes Facebook from a 360 degree angle. The report analyses and describes in depth “The good, the bad and the ugly” sides of Facebook.
At Strand Consult our main focus is on the mobile operators and their shareholders – these are our customers. We are not a “digital pusher” and have no interest in selling Facebook related services. Our sole goal is to sell knowledge that can help reduce mobile operators’ costs and increase their earnings.
When we published our original report about the iPhone market seen from a mobile operator’s point of view in 2009, many “Apple fanboys” disagreed with us and the conclusions of the report. On the other hand, the top management of some of the world’s largest mobile operators confirmed our conclusions. And the conclusions were very clear: The iPhone creates value for Apple’s shareholders – not for the mobile operators’ shareholders.
If you do not believe that Facebook will have any influence on the mobile industry, there is no point in buying our new report “The good, the bad and the ugly side of Facebook – A report that describes how Facebook affects the mobile industry strategically, operationally and financially.”
But if you are one of the increasing number of people that are using more and more resources on Facebook and you need some professional sparring and input via facts, analyses and Facebook case studies from around the world, you should seriously consider purchasing this report. And just so we are perfectly clear about this: Facebook most certainly does have a good, a bad and an ugly side.
Source: Strand Consult