Is a channel of resellers a quick shortcut to the market? No!
Why should companies then use resellers to serve their customer?
These two questions get thoroughly discussed in this podcast.
PreFlight Odense, an activity of Business Hub Fyn, has invited me to deliver a webinar on how to get international growth when you only have a small budget.
“At an IAMCP Spain social event in Marbella during 2014, we had the privilege to meet and hear Fernando Martín talk about the internationalization process of his company AERTEC Solutions.* [...]
Reading time for this post is less than six minutes If you have done the alignment & identification check recommended in the first Ready for 2015 post, you have also ranked these 6 sources of [...]
This series of posts discusses how to choose foreign markets in the software industry. Links to previous posts in this series are listed at the end of this post. Entering a foreign market in the [...]
Last week I shared a piece of research with my network by McKinsey on the need for software businesses to grow fast or expect to die slow. There are three areas where I would like to add some [...]
Mr. Francesco Garzarelli, Co-Head Macro and Market Research at Goldman Sachs, interviewed by Bloomberg Television “On the Move”, discusses reform in Italy coming from the new Mr. Matteo Renzi [...]
Infor, (New York, NY, USA) a leading provider of business application software serving more than 70,000 customers, have announced the acquisition of PeopleAnswers, (Dallas, Tx, USA) a leader in [...]